Saturday, June 29, 2013

EDLD 5363 Web Conference Reflection

I attended three web conferences during EDLD 5363 and watched 2 others.  What I find interesting about the web conferences is that the information is dictated by who is attending each conference.  One conference I attended only had 5-7 students and the next one had over 20.  There is a much better dynamic when there are more students in attendance.  There are more ideas bouncing off of each other and more input.  Plus there are more questions from different perspectives allowing you to learn from someone else’s point of view.  

You can even tell a difference in two web conference that are two days in a row.  I initially thought that a web conference on Saturday would be very much like a web conference on the very next day.  Those two web conference will have similar content, but the different people attending each conference changes the content a little.  Even if you can’t attend all of the web conferences, it is beneficial to go back and watch them for that reason alone. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

EDLD 5363- Final Video

We made a few minor adjustments to our video.  We added the Creative Commons licensing and the standards for both TEK and ISTE that the lesson meets.

I can not say enough about how great my group is.  I feel like we are way ahead of the timeline and are ahead of the game in getting this project done.  It's great hearing Hannah's perspective from elementary and Wendy's higher education perspective.  Both are so different from my high school experience.  We have all shared in the responsibility and work load.  I feel like we have all had a voice and added variety and quality to the project.

It has been interesting working strictly online with a group.  Facebook and Google have been invaluable tools for us.  This all makes me think about having my students work in groups that are in different class periods during the day.  I think it would be a great experience for them to work collaboratively online like this.

Overall, this has been a great experience.  I have a great group and a successful project!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

EDLD 5363 Group Project Video- First Draft

We are working away on our group project for 5363.  Things have really come together nicely.  I have a great group with some real go getters!  It's nice being in a group with people who are on top of their work and are not procrastinators!  Below is a first draft of the video.  We'd love to hear your feedback.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Project Proposal 5363

Below is our project proposal for EDLD 5363:

General Information

Hannah Maness
Wendy Hickman
Nikki Looper

Project title
Introduction to 3D Objects

3.8 Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses formal geometric vocabulary.
The student is expected to identify, classify, and describe two- and three-dimensional geometric figures by their attributes. The student compares two- dimensional figures, three-dimensional figures, or both by their attributes using formal geometry vocabulary.

3rd grade students

Program length
90-120 seconds

street clothes

staging area for shapes

household items that are 3D solids:
Cone- party hat, ice cream cone
Cube- box
Sphere- basketball, soccer ball, marble
Rectangular Prism

dining room table


Wendy Hickman

Hannah Maness

Nikki Looper

Camera operator(s)
Nikki Looper

Nikki Looper

Schedule of Deliverables

Project phases
Due date
Brain Storming
Monday, June 17
Hannah, Wendy, Nikki
Completion of Assignment Template 3.1

Monday, June 17
Hannah, Wendy, Nikki
Script- first draft to Wendy for Editing-  Assignment Template 3.2

Tuesday, June 18
Edit of Script-Final Copy uploaded to Google Docs- Assignment Template 3.2

Wednesday, June 19
Shot List- Assignment Template 3.3

Thursday, June 20
Copyright Information- Assignment Template 3.4

Friday, June 21
Team Collaboration Documentation- Assignment Template 3.5

Friday, June 21
Film prop shots
Monday, June 24

Record Audio from script, send to Nikki
Monday, June 24

Edit shots and audio- First edit of video to team for feedback
Thursday, June 27

Update timeline, shot list- Assignment Template 5.1
Friday, June 28

Assignment Template 5.2
Friday, June 28
Feedback on first edit to Nikki
Friday, June 28
Hannah and Wendy

Second Edit to team for feedback
Sunday, June 30
Second Feedback to Nikki
Monday, July 1
Hannah and Wendy

Final Edit of Timeline, Shot list, etc- Assignment Template 5.1
Tuesday, July 2
Final Edit of Assignment Template 5.2
Tuesday, July 2
Final Edit
Tuesday, July 2