I met with my site supervisor about my
Action Research Plan. I had
previously emailed her my plan so that she could review it before our meeting
and we had already agreed upon my topic the previous week. She suggested that I make sure to
include the teachers of the students that I will be gathering data from
informed and let them give as much feedback as possible. She mentioned making sure that they
understood my goal and targeted research before we get started. She thought that my plan was well
thought out and that I had a good plan in place. We discussed that there will always be unforeseen challenges
but the planning that I had put in place should help mitigate those
I have included my ARP below. Please leave comments and let me know what you think.
Action Research Plan
School Vision:
Engage and
support every learner so that they can graduate college and career ready.
Research Question:
Examine in what ways moving from Dell Minis to Chromebooks in
classrooms will impact student achievement and engagement?
· How will quicker start up times and
increased connectivity/reliability impact student engagement?
· How will having Chromebooks impact
achievement in a math and an English classroom?
Action Steps
Person Responsible
Needed Resources
Survey Algebra 1 and English 1 students to identify things
they like or dislike about the current system (Dell Minis)
Algebra 1 and English 1 teacher
April 2013
Student Survey
Use survey to guide action research
Review student assessment data from usage of Dell Mini
April 2013
STAAR results, DCA results
Analyze assessment data to know areas to target for growth
Identify current research on using technology in
classrooms and its impact on student engagement and achievement
May 2013
Educational Articles, Research on use of current
technology in the classroom and its impact on student engagement and
Reflections over literature posted to blog
Gather student artifacts and homework/assignment completion
Self, Algebra 1 teacher, English 1 teacher
April 2013 and June 2013
Data from teachers of students to compare data from before
and after technology integration
Data in spreadsheet, compare results of student engagement
and completion of homework/ assignments
Observe classroom interaction and engagement
May 2013
Visit classrooms of Eng 1 and Alg 1 students, make field
observations about student engagement
Field notes from classroom observations
Gather student assessment data from STAAR and DCA
June-July 2013
Gather data from current year testing to compare to
previous years assessment data
Compare data from assessments before and after technology
integration, compile data in spreadsheet
Journal thoughts on process as progress is made through
April 2013-August 2013
Journal on blog
Blog my thoughts as I work through the Action Research
Project so that I can go back and work through my thoughts as progress is
End of year student survey to identify areas of improvement,
increased engagement
Self, Algebra 1 teacher, English 1 teacher, students
June 2013
Student survey
Compare student survey information from start of research
to current survey, compile data in spreadsheet
Present research to grade level teacher of the subjects
researched and to administrative team on campus
Self, English 1 teachers, Algebra 1 teachers,
Administrative team, Site Supervisor
August 2013
All relevant data from action research project, including:
literature review, data analysis, students surveys and observation notes
Compare and analyze the effectiveness if Chromebooks in
English 1 and Algebra 1 classrooms.
Present information to Site Supervisor.
Format based on Tool 7.1
Examining What We Do to
Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmondson, and
Combs 2010)
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