Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 5 Reflection of Learning

Reflection of Learning- Week 5

Gaming, digital literacy and social media are becoming more and more prevalent in the world around us. The idea that gaming can be a part of learning is something that we need to become more familiar with. As students play games they are constantly assessing the situation and making on the spot decisions about how to proceed.  As they do this, they are also learning.  Gaming is a huge part of kids lives in today’s world.  If teachers could get over the idea that games are just for fun and see that it is a way of learning and a way of assessing learning then it could become a valuable tool in education.
            Society is changing in the way that we incorporate technology into learning and the way we demonstrate that knowledge.  Knowledge is displayed in the products you develop and the result of collaboration.  Seamlessly incorporating technology and collaboration are important.
            With the increase in technology and digital presence, we must teach and model good online ethical behavior.  The ability to create multiple online identities, hide behind usernames and ethical online challenges are all new emerging issues that students need to be taught how to deal with.  As educators, we need to take a more active role in helping students understand the consequences and permanent nature of their online presence.

References (nd). Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth. Retrieved from (nd). Big thinkers: James Paul Gee on grading with games. Retrieved from (nd). Vision for Technology in K-12 Education. Retrieved from

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